AFAQ > Qualifications & Awards > Workplace Assessment Using Direct and Indirect Methods


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This award is a Professional Development Award (PDA) that will develop knowledge and skills in preparing for, planning, and carrying out the assessment of individuals in the workplace. The PDA is regulated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

Who this qualification is for

This course has been developed for people who conduct the assessment in a vocational setting to give them underpinning knowledge of assessment practices and skills in assessing candidates in a workplace setting.


Candidates enrolled in this qualification will learn to:
Prepare to assessPlan assessmentsAssess candidate performance and knowledgeConfirm progression and achievement

How this qualification is delivered:

The qualification will develop knowledge and skills in monitoring assessment processes and decisions within an organization and helping to maintain and improve the quality of workplace assessment. is delivered through two days of face-to-face sessions with a trainer. Candidates are also required to engage with assessment practice within a vocational setting.

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How this qualification is assessed:

Candidates must demonstrate evidence of having acquired the knowledge and skills indicated in the program outcomes. Evidence requirements will consist of:
Reflective statements (responses to guided prompts)Answers to knowledge-based questions.Product evidence from planning, conducting, and evaluating work-based training.Observation and evidence of conducting training.Action plans for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).Record of continuing professional development.Professional discussion with the assessor.

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